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SCP Scenarios: SCP Scarlet King x Reader | NEW CHARACTER

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Ik ik, another new character

Since I've already done 343, God, I felt that it's only fair to add in his counterpart, Scarlet King

Also, I'll be referring to the Scarlet King as SK at some point, aaaaaaaaaaaand, the Scarlet King (and his Brides who I'll mention briefly here and there) would be a tiny bit OOC

Yes, I'm aware he has his 7 brides but I'm also married to him... Back offI'm also married to Cain and Dr Glass 🤣


First Encounter

The Scarlet King would think that you're just like every other human/SCP

Probably ignores you because you're so annoying

Would even ask his kids to get rid of you which failed

SK would probably think you're an SCP (If you're a human ofc) since he can't seem to get rid of you

Most likely had asked the foundation kindly to remove you

But that fails too

Once you both started to hang out, he would come to find out that he has a soft spot for you

Has thought of making you his other bride but threw that idea away because he has more than enough and the reason he has 7 brides is to create more of his demon children's and that's it

He doesn't really care for them much

But somehow he felt like he's more vulnerable with you

Your Feelings

You started to develop some feelings for this demon after spending time hanging out with him

Which were months at a time

You were very much aware of his lore and file but you somehow fell for him and felt that he acted very much differently towards you

Soon, the foundation took notice of this and watched ver the both of you

Watching the interactions you both had, they were somewhat eager to know what'll happen if you both got together

SK would probably be able to sense your change in attitude and would try to brush it off

343 and Cain seemed to be quite weary since you're basically crushing on some negative energy

SK wanted to read your mind to see what was going on inside the non-existent head of yours but he just didn't

Even the brides tease you about your feelings towards the demon


It took a while for the Scarlet King to own up to his feelings and blurt them out

His other brides were also observant and encouraged him which was a surprise

He asked if you could meet up with him to which you agreed

Tried to be romantic just like how the brides told him but he chickened out

So you were the one who asked him out instead

He definitely said "Yes" in a span of a second

Nobody has ever witnessed the Scarlet King being so happy and calm

Not even the brides or their kids

It's even more of a shock for the foundation and they were even more terrified that he's cheery than pissed off

Luckily you're the reason why there weren't that many containment breaches


The brides were the ones who suggested that the scarlet King took you to some romantic place

The foundation didn't say anything knowing that the SK can teleport here and there at will

Made sure that you're back by the curfew

SK would teleport you to some park for a picnic (Not that he eats, but he made sure to take a ton of food for your overly starved stomach)

The brides would probably dress you up beforehand and the foundation gave you a tracker for emergency purposes

The both of you gives 343 and 073 a headache on the daily basis

Even more so if you were related to them

Not even the Gate Guardian could do anything about it

Probably would teleport you to your desired holiday destination

In which the SK would probably shapeshift to appear more 'normal'

You would have to teach him some stuff humans would do so he doesn't act and look rediculous

When he gets jealous

Would rampage the hell out of the foundation

Nobody has ever seen him so mad before

Can get even angrier if you were hurt but that's another story

The SK would definitely send the person to hell with him and torture him

Might even send the guy back as a warning to not go after you at all

Like, the SK would be so overbearing that you've lost some friends

So you would be pretty pissed as well to which the SK would become quite upset because you're mad

But if there was a person who wouldn't leave you alone even if you've turned them down, then the SK would kill them on the spot

When there's a containment breach

Regardless of whether he caused the breach or not, he would find you

Which wouldn't be so hard because of his abilities which match 343

Can and will end the whole of humanity and everything else if he wanted to

Especially if you were hurt, albeit only a scratch

Makes sure to keep you safe while joining all the other SCPs just for fun

You get to sit on his shoulders because you're smaller in comparison

Won't let you leave his site, even if you can handle yourself

Only because he's an SCP himself and knows the dangers of all the other ones

Very much aware of the capabilities of the other SCPs and would even allow you to hang out with some of them if they were harmless or part of his clan


The SK would play with your feelings and manipulate you

Might even threaten you

Keeps you locked up in his hell and won't even let you out

Gives you your own personal 'room' which is a large cage with some fancy bed

Makes sure that you're all tied up in his dungeon so you don't escape

Which is difficult anyways since he puts a spell on it

If the foundation ever questions it, then they'll be killed

The brides help to do his bidding apart from the 7th who tried to help but was also locked away

Treats you like royalty until you try to rat him out

Definitely would torture you when he finds out and uses his telepathy to taunt you

His younger sister

You both would grow up with the relationship of a typical sibling

Having fights here and there, but the SK would also protect you if you were in trouble

Although the SK is much more ruthless and careless, he's quite intelligent and cares for those who he's close to the most

So much so to the point he's overly protective like he's your dad

If you were caught by the foundation, he would hunt them down and kill them for kidnapping you

Only to find out you befriended some SCPs and researchers

Most likely will give him a headache because you're so curious and naive

Quite reluctant for you to be friends with them but will allow you to do so because you give him those eyes

It's even worse since you've become quick friends with his brides and he mistreats them

Definitely tell him off for doing so

The brides think of you as their little sister as well

Lets you play with their kids, despite them being dangerous as well

You're more sassy and witty compared to the SK which leaves him speechless most of the time so he avoids arguing

Like that one time, the brides and the foundation witnessed SK's defeat when you both were arguing about cats and you let your sass get the better of you which defeated him

He did the walk of shame and gave everyone that look

When his kid says their name for the first timeWould scream so loud that people above Hell (aka the Foundation) could hear him

The Scarlet King would be quite joyful and would tell everyone about it

Even his kids and the brides

You're just sat in the corner giggling as he tries to teach them new words

Definitely would bribe his child to say his name as well

Doesn't work because he ended up getting slapped in the face instead

He wanted to cry but didn't because crying is for the weak

When his S/O is angry

Would be terrified af

Which is pretty funny to everyone since almost nobody has ever seen him so scared before, yet alone you

Even more so if you were just an ordinary human and was angry at him for whatever he's done

The Scarlet King would try and calm you down but backfires

Ended up getting a bloody nose and his ribs broken along with his wings being chipped

Everyone wondered how that happened unless you were an anomaly

Not even Dr Wondertainment, 343, Cain, Abel, Iris and the Gate Guardian could explain it

And neither could 999, 682, 049 and 035

Would let you cool down for a while by sending you back to the foundation

The foundation would be quite entertained by it all

When his Pregnant!S/O gets hurt by accident

Would be filled with rage at all cost

Probably expected someone to own it up because he's the Scarlet King and you're pregnant with his child

Realises that you hurt yourself by accident after you've cooled him down

Healed you up in an instant

Teleports all the stuff which could be a hazard to your health

Definitely would lecture you

And follow you around

If he's not there, then he'll either send one of his brides, kids or create a bodyguard of some sort to follow you around

Would tell his unborn child to be gentler with you because you're injured

Meeting a Dragon!Hybrid!Child!Fem!Reader

Would be intrigued about you

Thinks you're just an annoying hybrid child that just happened to take an interest in him

Finds out much later that he's quite fond of you

Brings you whatever you want

Builds a fatherly bond with you and swore to protect you forever

Has a soft spot for you and the foundation plots to use you for bribery

Teaches you to control your powers and use your wings for other than flying

Is a great yet strict mentor to you

Makes sure that his brides and kids are nice to you

Would leave you with them for babysitting while he's on a trip

If the foundation catches you, he will be keeping a stern eye on them

Especially that you're naive, kind and innocent

When he accidentally kills you

You were just on a mission where the Scarlet King received the news that there was danger headed your way

Teleported there and started to attack anyone and everyone, including the SCPs

You managed to capture the unknown enemy alongside your remaining team

Tried to stop the SK because he kept attacking your team

Ended up using his abilities against you which sent you flying

Landed on a sharp object which impaled your heart

The SK realised what he's done and rushed over to you feeling nothing but guilt and remorse

Your team arrived by your side as they tried to contain the SK

His guilt developed into rage and went on a rampage, blaming everyone else for your death

Your team got back to the foundation for safety and told them what happened

Sent 343 and 2845 for some help which was difficult as the SK already has his power heightened

Doesn't take long until the whole foundation is destroyed with a few remaining SCPs left

Yandere!231 x Evil!Reader

Would know in an instant

Only because he felt the need to punish and torture you so he read your mind

Found out that you were working for an organisation that seeks to destroy all anomalies with the exception of you

Turns out that you had an ability to create illusions and a shield as you let him into your mind

You only allowed him to read a part of your memory which was partially an illusion

You managed to trap him into a cage where his power is greatly reduced

The GOI you were actually working for was the Factory which had seemingly created you

As you fled back to the Factory, the Scarlet King barely managed to escape his cage and went out to look for you

Turned most of the foundation into his puppets just so he has more eyes around the globe in search of you

Your cunningness and abilities are what made him drawn so much to you that even he was tricked which made his obsession for you even worse

Trying McDonald's Sprit

May or may not know about some human foods

Knows a tiny bit about them because of his brides

Took a while to bribe him to have a taste of Sprite

Even attempted to use some of the slang in his sentences

Like, he even said "Oh so you simp for McDonald's Sprite"

At least his sentence was much better than a certain old man (*Ahem* Not 106)

Had a sip before you took it away

Ended up teleporting you back for some more

Gave him the look of 'I told you so'

Since he did try the Sprite and liked it, you allowed him to watch a human movie called "Venom" (BTW have y'all seen the second one? It's AMAZING!!!)

When his kid swears(I'm so sorry that this is like one of the shorter HCs)

Definitely the one who taught his kid

Would be a proud dad when they do swear

Would even encourage the behaviour despite numerous complaints about it

The Scarlet King would teach them fancier words as well

One time the Foundation had to have a word with the SK because his kid swore non stop even though they didn't understand the meaning

When you were back with him he made sure you actually understood each of the curse words

Is basically like 682 but X100

When Child!Reader scares him

Being the child of the Scarlet King, you would inherit his abilities

And since your father cares about you deeply, he would mentor you when it comes to your abilities

So with that said, you were able to master being a cheeky and mischievous child

You constantly pulled pranks, but it was more directed towards the brides, your half-siblings and the foundation

Fortunately for them, someone was able to bribe you to prank the Scarlet King in exchange for giving you some food to try

You decided to pull a prank on the SK by asking him to play hide and seek

He couldn't resist those eyes, even when he was in the middle of torturing/killing someone

So he agreed to play, only for him to fall for your traps

Everyone heard a deafening scream coming out from somewhere as they saw the SK teleport the both of you to the foundation

Since the foundation got hold of what had happened, they laughed but not before being yeeted at by the SK

Even 'God' was enjoying the show

When the reader pole/aerial silk dances

The SK is the one who sexualises the dances

If he hears anyone sexualising it, especially about you, then he would kill them off in an instant without hesitation

Most likely would initiate some activities during and after your private show with him

Would send everyone out of his territory, assuming he wasn't in the Foundation

And if you both were, he would teleport you both away

Has attempted to try out your dances because you're a cheeky person who's a tease

Failed miserably because he doesn't know how to move them legs

Having a Pregnant!S/O

Would be even more protective over you than usual

The SK would tend to avoid letting others care for you unless he needed to go somewhere

If he had to, he'd leave you with his brides and/or create some sort of security for you

Definitely would baby talk while rubbing your swollen belly

Tries to avoid it when there are others around

But the brides managed to capture him baby talking and sent it to the foundation for entertainment purposes

The foundation is quite shocked about it since the SK is a literal demon

But they're entertained nonetheless

When you tried to commit suicide

Has a stroke because the Scarlet King is so used to being insensitive

Managed to get there on time before you actually start

Goes into your mind to find out if anyone was making you feel that way

If there was, he'll go up to them and kill them in an instant

Not before torturing them beforehand though

Definitely would try to comfort you in the strangest of ways

Ending up getting the brides to help him out and teach him how to comfort someone

The last time he tried to comfort you, he ended up getting a bloody nose, broken wing and lost 1 of his precious horns and he swore he heard the sirens for an upcoming apocalypse

When the reader is a type green possessive reality-bender

512890% would help you improve on your abilities

Took a while but you managed to grasp the concept of reality-bending

You also became rather attached to the Scarlet King

Since you weren't able to fully control your abilities, your emotions tend to drive your powers in a certain direction

So with that being said, whenever you see the SK with his brides, your jealousy gets the better of you

Which would then cause you to unleash your abilities at them

Not only that, you managed to intimidate the SK quite a bit

Had to use his powers to get you to stop but felt that you were getting stronger every second

When you're about to be executed | Yandere!Scarlet King x D-Class!reader

Would be as furious as ever

Definitely manages to find you quite easily

The Scarlet King would take you to an unknown location far away from the foundation and the rest of the world

The foundation definitely knows what had happened so they asked 343 for some help

343 being on the brink of death when he's faced with the Scarlet King because he's just that old

The Scarlet King plotting to end the whole world but decided to go against it because he wants to see everyone suffer painfully and slowly

Unless you just so happened to be an anomaly that the foundation hadn't realised and is just as if not more powerful than the SK, then it's unlikely that you'll be able to get out easily

Unless 343and the foundation managed to find a way to retrieve you

But either way, there's a chance of you dying

Knowing the Scarlet King, he would probably find a way to prolong your lifespan while keeping you in his 'home'

Not even the brides and his children can help

When you curl up in his lap | Yandere!Scarlet King

Would find you adorable

If anyone disturbs you while you're on his lap sleeping, then he would kick them out

The SK would definitely stroke your hair and/or back while you're on his lap

Is weak to the knees because you're that cute

Doesn't really care how cheesy it is

The brides tease him a lot but he doesn't do anything about it because you looked so peaceful and cute

Most likely would wrap an arm around you protectively

If anyone in the foundations sees, then the SK would threaten them to not tell anyone

Probably would either kill the staff or erase their memories if he's in a good mood

When you kiss his neck

Loves it dearly

Would vocalise his appreciation about you kissing his neck

The SK would probably lead you to the bedroom for more cute activities

Probably would blush even harder than before, even more so if everyone is there to witness it

The brides had to leave the room because the SK said so

Would use his magical powers for certain activities

If you try hard enough to tease him, there might be a rare occasion for you to top him (If you know what I mean *Wink* *Wink*)

Tries to not be too loud so he would probably grunt or sigh

If you're on his lap his arms would be around you tightly

Would do anything if you stop kissing his neck because he likes it that much, even though he could literally manhandle you

When his child gets hurt

Would be quite furious

Is determined to find whoever hurt his child

If his child hurt themselves by accident he would cry with and for the child

The child would be so confused

Would ask the brides for some emotional support when helping his injured child

Basically, the brides are babysitting his child

If someone did hurt them, the Scarlet King would hunt them down

Depending on how serious the issue is, he might even threaten to end the whole of humanity and maybe even the whole world

If there are things neither he nor his brides could do, the SK would reluctantly go to see 343

343 be chuckling while he tends to his child

He swore to secrecy that the SK hadn't come and see him because of a child

When you have a bad day

Because his powers are similar to 343, he would definitely know in an instant

Like you could be 2000 miles away and he would know

Telepathically finds out whoever's making your day go downhill if there was one

Goes out of his way to torture then kill the guy and send his corpse back to the foundation as a warning

Then erase him from existence

Would go to you and comfort you

If you needed anything, he would give it to you since it wouldn't be that hard at all

Is terrible at comforting you emotionally, but he's still learning

Constantly asking the brides for some advice

They would comfort you and show the Scarlet King how it's done because the last time they told him and gave him a guide, he ended up burning someone's apartment block instead

BTW, Happy Halloween!!!!

Top Posts Tagged with #scp x gn reader | Tumlook (2024)


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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.