Two-Week Rapid Weight-Loss Diet Part 2: Recipes and Shopping Lists (2024)

HomeTwo-Week Rapid Weight-Loss Diet Part 2: Recipes and Shopping Lists

January 16, 2014April 13, 2020 Colleen RussellCatie's, Detox, Multivitamins, Weight Loss2 Week Diet, Detox Diet, Dr. Mercola, Multivitamin, Perfect Supplements, Probiotics, Two Week Rapid Weight Loss Diet, Weight Loss

2 Week Diet Recipes and Grocery List

by Colleen Russell

Yesterday, we examined The 2 Week Dietand the recommended supplement listrequired to complete a rapid weight loss transformation in a matter of only two weeks! Next, let’s talk food…we heard what was on the list of don’t’s, so you’re probably wondering what you caneat for the next two weeks. The good news is that you can have a delicious breakfast smoothie every morning, an unlimited amount of low-glycemic foods, and as much Detox Broth as you can drink. Pretty easy, right? We thought so too, until we took a read through the twice-weekly process of cooking homemade vegetable broth and looked for an easy alternative.

What Can I Eat During The 2 Week Diet?

No: Caffeine, Wheat, Sweeteners, Carbohydrates/Starches, or Dairy.

Exceptions and Allowed Foods:

  1. Green tea: Preferably organic

  2. Six Ounces of chicken, turkey or fish per day

  3. 1/2 cup of cooked brown rice per day

  4. Good fats such as avocados and olive oil are ok in moderation

  5. 1 cup of 2% plain Greek yogurt per day

  6. UNLIMITED Low-Glycemic Vegetables from the list below

  7. UNLIMITED Vegetable List:


    Artichoke hearts


    Bamboo shoots

    Bean sprouts


    Brussels sprouts








    Beans (green, kidney, garbanzo)

    Greens (collard, kale, mustard, turnip)




    Pea pods





    Sugar snap peas

    Swiss chard


    Water chestnuts



    Cabbage (green, bok choy, Chinese)

    Salad greens (chicory, endive, escarole, iceberg lettuce, romaine, spinach, arugula, radicchio, watercress)

    Detox Broth Recipe:

    3 qts water

    1 large onion, chopped

    2 carrots, sliced

    1 cup of winter squash, cut into large cubes

    1 cup of root vegetables: any of the following: turnips, parsnips, and rutabagas for sweetness

    2 cups of chopped greens: any of the following: kale, parsley, beet greens, collard greens, chard, dandelion,

    2 celery stalks

    1/2 cup cabbage

    4 (1/2-inch) slices of fresh ginger

    2 cloves of whole garlic (not chopped or crushed)

    Sea salt (to taste)

    Add all the ingredients at once and place on a low boil for approximately 60 minutes. It may take a little longer. Simply continue to boil to taste.

    Cool, strain (throw out the cooked vegetables), and store in a large, tightly-sealed glass container in the fridge.

  1. I have a nut allergy. I can’t drink almond milk, coconut milk, hemp milk. I figured rice milk had too many carbs. I have been using a soy milk with a few carbs in it. I am on day 3 and I’ve lost 2 lbs (in 2 days which is amazing). Not sure if I should use water instead of the soy milk? I saw flax milk but not sure if that would be too much flax in the day bc o the morning smoothie.

    Also, I bought the veggie low sodium broth instead of making my own like you suggested and is working great. I saw other brands at my local health food store of gluten free organic green powder. Can I use any brand? I didn’t see the two brands you suggested.

    I am so nervous to veer off his course bc it is working so well so far!



  2. Im on day 5 – feeling great actually – the coffee withdrawals were tough though! Im buying organic veggie broth as he suggests because making that twice a week would sabotage me. Also, Im making cauliflower soup with it. Saute onions, add whole head of cauliflower, 4 cups of broth and then when it boils cook for 20 minutes and blend with an immersion blender. You’re tricked into thinking you’re eating a thick, creamy soup when its broth based!



    • Keep up the good work! And thanks for the recipe. When we get a few more we’ll post them all.



      • How about soybeans? Can we eat those on this diet? Also, can berries be added to the yogurt in the evening or should they only be used in the smoothie?

        Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 15:40:45 +0000 To:


      • I didn’t see anything from Dr. Oz specifically about soybeans on this diet. But, there are a many reasons that soy is not a great choice. Some of these are listed in a recent reply to another comment.
        As for the berries, I did not see anything that says whether you can or cannot eat more berries on the diet. None of the recipes I found had berries in them. I personally add a few to my yogurt. But keep in mind that there are natural sugars in the berries, so the earlier in the day you eat them, the more time you have to burn the calories.


      • Can I use greek nonfat vanilla yogurt instead of 2% plain greek yogurt?


      • Only unsweetened substitutions are allowable. If you can find an unsweetened version, then it’s a go, otherwise, it goes against the no sweeteners rule of the diet. You can add vanilla extract to plain Greek yogurt if you want the vanilla flavor. That’s what I’ve been doing with my 1 cup a day. I also throw in a handful of raw slivered almonds and a few thawed, frozen raspberries. It is better if they are thawed so the juices flavor the yogurt. Just remember, one of the key goals of this diet is to eliminate the things we crave, and sweeteners are things we easily grow to crave. On this diet, you only have to keep it up for 2 weeks. But if you want to make a lifestyle change, one of the challenges then is to find new things to eat that don’t include sweeteners but are still flavorful and tasty. If we hate what we’re eating we aren’t likely to keep it up for very long.


  3. I take high blood pressure pills also, a metforim for sugar plus advil for back is this a good diet for me.



    • This is a good diet for anyone who needs to lose weight and is willing to commit to the lifestyle changes required to beat the cravings we have for ingredients that are not good for us. Just understand that the first few days may be very hard when you cut out all those foods you normally eat. Try to treat yourself nicely in other ways to keep your stress (ie blood pressure) down. To be successful, you want to have all your food and supplements before you start. You don’t want to run out when you are most susceptible to cheating. I hope this helps, and good Luck!



  4. Thanks for all the tips! I am on day 4 and have lost 4 lbs!

    1) I have been using a low carb soy milk but will take your suggestion to use water. Why do they not recommend soy milk anymore?

    2) I haven’t seen a plan of what to eat after. I definitely want to lose more than what I will see in 2 weeks. Has anyone continued it after 2 weeks and saw more results?



    • As for Soy, it is considered a high risk crop by the Non-GMO Project. This may or may not be the reason it is on the list of common allergens. Also, studies indicate that an over-consumption of certain soy hormones may conflict with our bodies hormones. And finally, many packaged, store-bought brands have sweeteners and other additives that are not great for dieting.
      As for after the first two weeks, others have reported doing this for more than two weeks with continued results. The key for after you lose your weight is to not forget all the things that are working for you and eat sensibly. Cheat responsibly to avoid redeveloping the cravings. Use this time to find foods you really enjoy and will continue to want to eat regularly. One more important thing to consider as you’re dieting is that if you cheat don’t feel guilty about it. Savor every bite and enjoy it! Guilt has been shown to inhibit weight loss.
      Keep up the good work, you’re doing great!



    • Soy beans, therefor all soy products, are GMO. You should avoid soy all together. Read ingredient labels because soy is often added to foods.



      • Any soy product that is organic is non-GMO. Also, there are lots of soy products that are labeled non-GMO, which are safe in that respect.


  5. Why do we need the broth if we are already eating all of the veggies?



    • I could not find an answer to that question from Dr. Oz, but I have read that drinking warm water can give a feeling of fullness, which would also explain the water with lemon before breakfast. I imagine you could substitute some of the warm lemon water for the broth if you feel you are eating plenty of veggies. But, there are a lot of whole food vitamins gleaned from the broth which are very beneficial.



  6. What am I suppose to eat for lunch and dinner? I am confused 🙁



    • The main thing to remember when choosing what to eat is to remember what you are supposed to eliminate from your diet – sweeteners, caffeine, dairy (except 1 cp of Greek yogurt daily), and starchy carbs. I like to eat the yogurt for lunch with a variety of things thrown in. My fave these days is 1/4 cp unsweetened coconut milk (I make my own) and a handful of raw, slivered almonds. Next time I go t the market I’m getting unsweetened cocoa powder to add in for an Almond Joy effect. I’ve also eaten it with a dash of vanilla extract, a handful of nuts and handful of frozen raspberries, thawed. The thawed berries have a lot of juice that nicely flavors the yogurt. I made the Portobello mushroom salad from our blog last week and it is awesome. I couldn’t find fresh Thai chilis, so I used 2 tsp Thai chili paste. I also added 1/4 cup rice vinegar. The recipe makes a whole lot, so you will have it on hand for days. I’ve eaten this for lunch as well as dinner. Sometimes I add 6oz turkey breast, not lunch meat. We also have blogged a recipe for zucchini noodles, and spicy salmon. The key to meals is remembering what you can’t eat. Then find foods you like without all that and make them part of a healthy lifestyle change for continued good eating habits.


      • That almond joy yogurt sounds delish! I will try, thanks! I had mentioned that I’m off the two week diet but got creative in the kitchen with veggies and will share a recipe…cook some turkey meat with whatever spices you like, add fresh chopped tomatoes. I like it a little more saucy and used some of my veggie broth. Bake for 10 minutes thinly sliced zucchini (I used olive oil Pam to coat pan), make some cauliflower mash with yogurt. Steam cauliflower and mash with salt, pepper, yogurt. I layered it like lasagana and bake on 350 20-40 minutes. Enjoy!


  7. Hello,

    I currently work out after work so I am done working out by 8PM. I noticed that it said that I cannot eat after 8PM but I always happen to be hungry when I am done. What is recommended to eat after the workout. Should I save the protein and carb meal for that?



    • It is great that you are working out! Eating a full meal at 8pm, not so great. If you have to eat after 8pm it should be just veggies or the broth/greens beverage. A light salad could be just the ticket. Good luck on the diet!



  8. Hi, I came across your site while trying to find more info on this diet. I really like the way you explain how to do it much easier then I would of thought, but what I dont get is the 6 oz serving of protein eaten daily equal 1 1/2 lbs bought weekly? Am I missing something. TIA



    • I’m not sure where you’re getting the 1 1/2 lbs of meat protein per week. I figure it to be 2 lbs 10 oz per week. The key to success is having the foods handy, so make sure you get all the supplements you need before you start. Good Luck!



    • take 6 oz x 7 days which = 21 oz divide by 16 oz which is a LB and it = 1 1/2 or 1.30



      • Hi Suzie, 6oz a day of protein=42oz divided by 16=2.63 lbs


      • Oops, 6oz a day of protein for 7 days =42 divided by 16=2.63 lbs per week


  9. Hi. I can’t find 2% greek yoghurt in my country, i just found out the one i was using had 9% fat! Should i switch to plain regular yoghurt? I am on day 3



    • I think that would be an acceptable substitution, but look for a low fat version plain yogurt. I am at the end of week 2 and I have far fewer cravings. I believe I will be able to continue eating a mildly modified version of the Two Week Rapid Weight Loss Diet now that the cravings are gone, and hope to continue eating healthily. Good luck with your diet!



  10. Can you use garden vegetables burgers,instead of chicken, fish. Also exactly how much broth per day is required. Can use use packets of seasonings with oil and vinegar



    • You just need to look at the ingredients and see if the veggie burgers contain high carb veggies, wheat, dairy, etc. You want to make sure they don’t have any of the foods you are trying to avoid, and that it is high in protein. You can drink as much broth as you want daily. You probably want at least 1 serving daily for the whole food vitamins. You can use seasonings and vinegar. As for the oils, the really healthy oils like olive oil and coconut oil are OK in moderation. Good Luck!



  11. Great website 🙂 I am on day 3 and feeling good. a few questions;
    1- how much Hummus is okay? 1/2 cup?
    2- are edamme okay to eat?



    • Thanks for the kudos, and happy to hear you are feeling good. As for hummus, see how much a serving is and check the ingredients and nutrition facts. Make sure it doesn’t contain taboo ingredients and there aren’t too many carbs. One half cup sounds like a good serving size to me, but check for yourself.
      Edamme is a tricky one to answer. There are so many concerns with it these days. Some soy is ok, but you want to make sure it is organic, or at least non-GMO. Soy is one of the high risk crops that is often grown from GMO seeds.



  12. what other beverages can we consume besides green tea? I am assuming it should be water and if so how much is recommended



    • There is a general rule about the minimum amount of water a person should consume in a day. It is to take 1/2 your weight and drink that many ounces. So if you weigh 150 lbs, you should drink a minimum of 75 oz of water daily. If you are trying to loose weight, you should drink more. Lemon water and green tea count towards this amount because they contain no sweeteners and no dairy. The broth and Catie’s Greens also count towards this for the same reason. The water doesn’t have to be unflavored, as long as it is unsweetened. Try adding an essential oil for a change. Sweet orange is nice and peppermint is a great pick-me-upper to add to water in the afternoon, when you’re feeling sluggish.



  13. Question: Honey? Just a tablespoon early in the day???



    • The amount you cheat is up to you. Just try to cheat responsibly. I admit, I have a little sweetener in my black tea early in the day. And, I have lost 4 pounds in 6 days. I admit I was coming off a high weight for me – just came back from a vacation. I’m trying to cut out the black tea, but one cup of green tea daily doesn’t supply enough caffeine, I was getting headaches. I’m trying to wean myself off it, but can’t go cold turkey, I need to function!



  14. Also, anyone with Stop & Shop locally – there is a frozen mix called Ranchero Mix. GRAB IT! Take the carrots out, heat it up, and add salsa! OMG! Easy peasy and that’s what it’s all about!



  15. Audry, That recipe sounds amazing!!! thank you!!



  16. i have school during the week and i usually eat breakfast around 7.. what should i do



    • Drink the lemon water and have the breakfast smoothie. Pack your favorite low carb veggies and a serving of nuts to snack on. Or get your plain Greek yogurt in single serving containers and bring that for a snack. This is all about trying new things so you can permanently alter your eating habits more easily after the two weeks is up. Don’t give up, it’s worth it to find healthy food you want to eat every day!



  17. I am starting tonight, but am still concerned bout the lack of food for lunch… I doesn’t say anything bout being able to eat fruits. Other than the frozen berries in the smoothie, can we eat, apples, oranges etc? thanks.



    • Fruits are not on the acceptable foods list except the berries in the morning smoothie. Remember, this is only for 2 weeks. After that the addition of fresh fruits is excellent for a healthy diet, as long as it is in moderation. Fruit often has a lot of naturally occurring sugar. A serving of blueberries is ok (after the 2 weeks), but don’t eat the whole container.

      As for lunch, I like garden salads or the Greek yogurt. You could also try veggies dipped in hummus. Hummus and nuts are both acceptable in small amounts on this diet. In a pinch, I’ve gotten a prepared raw crunchy veggie salad at my local market with broccolli, cauliflower, and carrots. The dressing may have contained ingredients not allowed, but it was in small amounts, and the veggies are the main part of the salad. If you make a big container of some salad you like on Monday, you’ll have it to eat all week. The Portabello Mushroom Salad from Dr. Oz’s recipe winners was delightful and made more than enough for the whole week. It was a hit at the party I brought it to.



  18. I’ve been on the diet for 3 days now and the detox broth makes me gag. I switched to an already prepared organic vegetable broth & that actually made me vomit. I don’t know what to do. I really want to succeed with this detox diet. Do you have any suggestions??



    • Yes, Catie’s Organic Greens powder is nutritionally better than the broth and doesn’t go down like broth. It is a good substitution that you may be able to keep drinking after the 2 weeks. And, that is key to weight loss success – finding new, healthy eating habits for everyday.



  19. I’m afraid of how the green powder and water will taste. Can I get the same results if I mix Aquatic greens in the breakfast smoothie? How much should I use? If I substitute the powder greens for the broth, how much should I have per day?



    • I do mix a scoop of Aquatic Greens in my smoothie. It dramatically changes the color, and mildly changes the taste. The one scoop is all you need for the day. You can have more if you wish. The warm broth is a good fix if you wish to stave off hunger a bit longer. But, warm water with lemon is good for that, too. The key is to find something you like so you’ll stick with it.



      • Could you substitute the pills for the powder. Are they the same?


      • Yes, the Aquatic Greens capsules are just the powder encapsulated. You have to take 6 capsules, though, to equal 1 scoop of powder. The powder is more cost effective.


  20. how important is the detox bath?… i don’t seem to have enough hours in the day…. and I have arthritis making it very painful to get in and out of the tub



    • I believe every aspect is important for the whole detox. But, we do have lives to work around. If you feel better, and are seeing results without it, then great. If you find the opposite is true, then see if the baths bump it up enough to notice a difference. Every little bit helps, but the goal in doing this is to make healthy changes that we can fit into our every day lives going forward. Good luck!



  21. I’m going back on the diet after 2 weeks off;I had issues with my bowels;



    • Are you taking the probiotics? I’ve tried different kinds of probiotics for years to help with bowel issues. I find Prescript Assist to be the best. I take 2 a day now to maintain regularity. But, when I started, I was taking 4 a day – 2 in the morning and 2 at night. It is recommended that you take more if you have an existing problem. It is definitely not the cheapest probiotic, but I have seen positive changes since I started taking it. I have tried all our probiotics, and Prescript Assist works best for me. Although, I have a few customers who swear by Latero Flora. If you are taking a probiotic and are still having problems, then try a different one. You may find better results with a different brand. Stick with the diet and find some new, good habits, and you will be pleased with the results.



  22. No body mentions eggs….are they allowed or not?



    • Eggs are not listed as off limits, so I have been eating them. Not every day, but a few times a week. Everything in moderation.



  23. Can I use Stevia? I just started this today. So far so good, I do feel satisfied, however I do have a headache, which I figure is from not having my coffee. My work schedule is a little different from most, I work 3 Day shifts and two 11P.M. to 7 A.M. shifts, so making this all work may be a little challenging, but I’m giving it a try. Hopefully, it will work for me as it is for others. I’m starting this on my second 11PM thru 7AM. Tomorrow, Sunday I am off, so it should be a little easier.



    • All sweeteners are supposed to be avoided. I was getting a headache as well, and it was from caffeine withdrawals. Are you drinking the cup of green tea? I found it didn’t have enough caffeine to stave off the headaches. I was having trouble functioning with a headache, so, after 2 days, I started back with some black tea and weaned off it over a week. I am a tea drinker, and was used to having 2 large iced black teas a day. Black tea has more caffeine than green tea. I switched to one green tea and 1 iced black tea. I decreased the size of the iced black tea until I was not getting headaches any more. I am not currently on the diet, but have kept up with drinking green tea, because it has a lot more health benefits than black tea. Good luck with your diet!



  24. Can you eat flavored Almonds?



    • Just be aware of what is in them. Spices are not out, but sweeteners are. Make sure there are no sweeteners hidden in the ingredients. Other than that, enjoy!



  25. Is Stevia allowed on this plan (small amounts in green tea?)



    • No, no sweeteners of any kind for just two weeks. You can do it!



  26. Has anyone found a rice protein powder that tastes good? I was using a soy protein powder it tasted great, but I have read this blog and I see not to use it. I can’t get past the taste of the rice protein, no other problems.



    • I have not loved the taste of any vegen protein powder that I tried. I use a spoonful of Perfect Plant Protein and a spoonful of Tony O’Donnel’s Double Dutch Chocolate Whey Protein. This is,unfortunately, not organic or vegan, but from a conscientious company. And it tastes so good! They recently came out with a Double Dutch Chocolate Vegan Protein Powder, but, I have not tried that yet. I will do so very soon.



  27. In regards to 6oz of meat, is that weight before or after cooking?



    • That is before cooking.



  28. I have used blueberries and the smoothie is tasteless. Any suggestions? Also is the rice powder necessary?



    • I find raspberries to be the most flavorful berries for smoothies. And the rice powder is very important as it is a vegan protein. You want protein to fuel the start of the day.



  29. I’m starting the two week diet tomorrow. Is it ok to add a can of tomatoes to the broth and just eat/drink as a veggie soup? Also, since winter squash isn’t available right now is there any good substitute for them or is it ok to leave out?



    • I believe tomatoes are OK since they are listed among the ingredients in the Portebello Salad recipe that was the first place recipe winner on Dr. Oz’s site. I believe you can leave out the winter squash or substitute summer squash! You will be getting lots of great vitamins from all the different veggies. The key is to eat a rainbow of colors and you should be all set.



  30. I love you so much dr.oz and I trust you. Iwish you live another 100 years.



  31. I’m on day two and it’s been so easy! Keep in mind I didn’t have to kick caffeine or alcohol so that made it easier. The smoothie totally filled me up. Typically I’m hungry after my oatmeal and fruit by 10am at work and end up snacking. Yesterday and today it was 1pm before I thought about eating again. I cooked the brown rice in vege broth with onions and garlic and roasted onions and asparagus to go with it. delicious! I didn’t feel hungry late in the evening like I typically do. Question: Is salt taboo on this diet plan? Are eggs?



    • Spices are always OK on this diet, but a good thing to remember is everything in moderation. I have not seen anything saying eggs are taboo, but again in moderation. That brown rice does sound delicious! Keep up the good work!



  32. Can the breakfast drink be made the night before?



    • It can, but I don’t think it tastes as good, and you may have to shake it or stir it before you drink it.



  33. Anyone know of a good recipe website that can be used with this diet?
    Post it please!! Need ideas but don’t want to create a log in and all that crap! Just free recipe lists ONLY PLEASE!



  34. Is there another green powder that is less expensive? Will any green powder will do? Thank you.



    • Not any green powder will work. You really have to read the label. Firstly, you want a whole food green product and not something with synthetic vitamins. Then compare the label to the chart at the end of Dr. Oz Two-Week Rapid Weight-Loss Diet Part 2: Recipes and Shopping Lists. Then you can see how it compares to the Catie’s greens, the Aquatic Greens and Dr. Oz’s broth.



  35. Excellent article. I certainly appreciate this site.
    Keep it up!



  36. Why can’t you eat the veggies from the soup? Seems like such a waste.



    • It’s not that you can’t eat the veggies, but if you are drinking it, they get in the way. If you want to make it like a true soup, then leave the veggies in. When I make chicken broth, I add carrots, celery and onion to the chicken bones and pieces to flavor the broth. I separate the veggies and whatever meat is left and give it to my dogs when the broth is done cooking. Then I start with fresh veggies when I make the soup.



  37. Can I sub whey protein for the rice protein powder?



    • I cannot find any specifics from Dr. Oz on this, but his diet this year recommends whey protein. The The Total 10 Rapid Weight Loss Plan is similar to the Dr. Oz Two Week Rapid Weight Loss Plan from last year, but there are some differences. The whey protein instead of rice protein is one of those differences. Also, this year’s diet included lots more recipes. Many of the recipes will work with the Two Week Rapid Weight Loss Plan, so check out our recent Dr. Oz Total 10 post with recipes.



  38. Hi I can’t seem to find rice protein powder anywhere could I substit it with any other source of protein for the breakfast shake ?



    • The diet Dr. Oz proposed for this year calls for whey protein instead of the rice protein. My favorite tasting protein powder of all time is Tony O’Donnell’s Double Dutch Chocolate Whey Protein. The link for that is here. If you substitute a different protein powder, make sure it has no sweeteners, and a short list of ingredients that you know. Many protein powders have synthetic and/or toxic ingredients added. Buying from us solves that problem and we have free shipping. And, usually, orders placed by 3:00 pm go out the same day.



  39. Hi! I’m starting the two week diet tomorrow. Can I make a green smoothie: Water, cactus, 1/2 banana, lemon juice, some cubes of pineapple and chia? also, can I have vegetables with my 6oz of meat?



    • Yes, a green smoothie is fine, but you want to add the protein to it. The chia seed don’t have enough protein. We sell some great proteins that work on this diet. Also, this leaves you open to add some berries or a piece of fruit in later for snack or on a salad. You can have low glycemic veggies all day, and you should be eating them with your poultry or fish. You want to eat lots of veggies during the day. Good luck!



  40. Can I have the snacks between meals?



    • Yes, healthy snacks are great. You don’t have to go hungry, just eat foods allowed on the diet. I love having the greek yogurt as a snack. I mix it with unsweetened coconut milk, which is naturally sweet, frozen berries and slivered almonds. YUM!!!! Another healthy snack is a small piece of fruit or a serving of berries with 1/4 cup or less of nuts. Combining the protein with the natural sugar in the fruit helps it process in our bodies better. Snap peas is another favorite snack of mine. Remember, part of the goal of this diet is for you to find new ways of eating so you continue eating healthily when the two weeks is up. You don’t want to go back to eating all the same foods as before or it will all just come back. If you continue to eat a low carb, low sugar diet after the two weeks is up, you will continue to see weight drop and you should feel pretty good, especially if you added exercise in your life. Good Luck!



  41. Can I use hot sauce?



    • Check the ingredients for sugar. Many sauces and dressings have sugar as an ingredient. I’ve started making my own dressings and sauces in the quest to eliminate, or at least greatly reduce, sugar from my diet. I search for Paleo friendly recipes and can usually find one I like that has no sugar.



    • While coconut milk is not taboo on the diet, for the two weeks, it is a good idea to follow Dr. Oz’s diet and stick with the almond milk.



  42. How much lentils and garbanzo beans I can have per day? They are listed in Low-Gl vegetables but they are high in calories.



    • The diet says you can eat unlimited amounts of the lentils as they are on the low glycemic index list of vegetables. But it also says hummus, which is made mainly from garbanzo beans, should be eaten only as a light snack. I, personally, would not have more than one serving a day of lentils.



      • How much you call one serving?(co*cked)

        Sent from my iPad


  43. How much per serving lentils (co*cked)?



  44. I use 3 oz of my protein for lunch and 3 oz of my protein for dinner. I split it up and add loads of the veggies allowed. I do not like the smoothie. I think the flax powder makes it takes like paste and can I substitute the banana for extra berries. I not fond of banana’s.
    Also I bought vegan protein powder that cost me 33.00 for 2 cups. I can’t find rice protein powder? Any other suggestions?
    Thank you



  45. How much protein are you allowed a day? 6oz per meal=12 oz or just 6oz. Thanks



  46. hi
    it is really hard to buy rice protein powder here
    can i replace it ??



    • As I am not the creator of the diet, I cannot really answer that question. But, we sell a protein powder that has three main ingredients and the first one is rice protein. We ship to most of the globe, so give Perfect Plant Protein a try.



  47. Would Garden of Life Vegan meal replacement protein work as a substitute for Dr. Oz’s 2-week rapid weight loss protein shakes? I’m not understanding why it needs to have rice in it? Thank you



    • Hi Kellie,
      I can’t say why Dr. Oz prefers rice protein for this diet. But, the GOL Meal replacement has brown rice as the second ingredient after pea protein. There is nothing to keep you from making any changes that suit you, but if you don’t get the desired results, it may be that the rice protein and other ingredients play an important role. If you put all the ingredients into an app like My Fitness Pal, what do the nutritional values look like? How does it compare to the GOIL Meal replacement? Good luck with your diet! It isn’t easy to eliminate wheat and sugar for two weeks, along with eating the limited food on this diet. The best advice I can give you is to plan ahead and make sure you have lots of healthy food choices on hand. It is much easier to resist temptation when you aren’t hungry.



  48. Hello! Today I’m starting Dr. Oz’s 2-week food cleanse. I ended up buying the Perfect Protein Powder, and Greens you suggested on your website. Can I add the greens to my smoothie in the morning, or does it need to be in water? It suggests to start with 1/2 capful. Would you agree with this? Is this enough to substitute for the detox broth? I’m excited and looking forward to re-booting my body, and the addiction to sugar!

    Thank you,



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Two-Week Rapid Weight-Loss Diet Part 2:  Recipes and Shopping Lists (2024)


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Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.