Johnson City Press from Johnson City, Tennessee (2024)

He Saturday Morning, February 1 8, 1947 JOHNSON CITY. PRESS CHRONICLE Page Three Inion Rapslity Action In Teachers Johnson City Central Labor pion fired a political broadside to the city commission's ursday night at a called meetg when they condemned actics by certain members city commission in using their solute power empyes," union secretary, Charles buk reported yesterday. In 'a resolution passed unanipusly, the labor group complainthat Welsford Artz eld a "secret" meeting on Januy 23, at which only Commisbners Sam S. Fain and Sam aylor attended ((allegedly Comlissioners Tom Mitchell and elvin C. Roush weren't notified the meeting) and went cord as oposing labor unions school teachers.

Mayor Artz said yesterday Leeting was not 'secret' and that oush attended. Artz said (itchell was in Jonesboro gal matter." Mitchell, when contacted ristol where he was "on busiless" by the PRESS-CHRONCLE, said he would have voted 1 ho" on the proposal had een at the January 23 meeting, that he did vote "no" on ame proposition Thursday night commission meeting. "The city commission has usiness in this all," hid Mitchell, "it's mentirely up 1e Board of Education on olicies of the Johnson City hools." He added, however, at he was probably "the only on the commission who ought so." Commissioners were charged union statement with "interring with the lawful rights school teachers of Johnson ty in an attempt by the selfish erests of the city to continue mination of the teachers her city employes with the ctive of keeping them under olitical patronage program 'hich their wages can be kept low as possible." Included in the resolution were lemands that teachers should lowed to organize "without mination from anson City school teacher es should be on par with other es in the state; and that labor ion members in Johnson City re instructed to vote in ning elections "for candidates will have the interests of citizens and not a favored Tohn L. Hand, state president the Tennessee Federation oor from Chattanooga was in speaker at the meeting, organization approved his est for a Johnson City labor egation to go to Nashville pose passage of "anti-labor" vs before the legislature. Local lions were expected to choose eir "lobby committees" in preparation for parture to the state capitol.

Guests at the meeting were presentatives of the Erwin Cen1 Labor Union, CITY COURT NASHVILLE, Feb. T. (P) use of Representatives passed bill by the Madison county deleation today which would create city court at Jackson. FURNITURE RENEWAL CO. -UPHOLSTERING 180-123 W.

Main Phone KINKEAD'S Flowers Majestic Theater Bldg. Phone 191 Lyn ROY Mail A THAWAY FUNERAL HOME Day and Night Ambulance Service Elisabethton, Tenn. Phone 800 Hatch FUNERAL HOME ELIZABETHTON. TENN. MONE 250 AMBULANCE SERVICE HAVE A TALK how to figure with and funeral, expenses leaia PHONE SIN PPALACHIAN FUNERAL ROAN at UNAKA JOHNSON CITY Ideal Location, Natural Beauty, Perpetual Care, Moderate Cost Are Combined in Monte Vista Burial Park Monte Vista Burial Park PHONE 1321-8 The PressCHRONICLER With The Police Hearing was to be held late yesterday morning in Juvenile Court for two 16-year-old Elizabethton youths who city officers here say confessed to breaking, into Ben's Sport.

Shop Main street about two weeks ago. The pair allegedly took two pistols, one a P38 and the other a Belgian make weapon, and sold them to an employe of a textile plant in Elizabethton. Chief of Police Wheelock and Captain Earl Laughren who apprehended the boys said one admitted he planned to rob TriState Athletic House of some rifles. The stolen pistols were recovered by police here. With The Magistrates Willie Alfred Miller, Negro, charged with larceny of two hams from Joe Redmond's store at Fall and Elmo streets, appeared before Ira D.

Shoun yesterday. The case was dismissed for lack of evidence. Percy Dalton, Fairview avenue Negro, was placed under a $1,000 bond yesterday when he appeared before Magistrate Ira D. Shoun on a charge of felonious assault with intent to kill" in connection with a cutting affair at a negro school several nights ago, Sheriff Luke M. Warrick's office said.

Dalton who was arrested by Deputy Clifford Mullenix, allegedly slashed a Kingsport Negro, Joe Armstron, about the face and neck with a "hawk bill knife." Dalton's trial has been set at the next term of circuit court, and he is free on bond. Reece Views (Continued From One) for the dinner here, plus the fact they came from so many states, "is indicative in itself' the fine spirit in our party as we look ahead to 1948." It is too early, he said, to make specific predictions about 1948. However, he made it plain Republicans will make an all-out effort to crack the solid South, including Tennessee. "A two-party system is essential for future progress in the South," he said, "and it is my hope and purpose to help see that it is Nationally, he continued, "the Republican party is committed a drastic reduction in the budget, annual payments on the national debt, and realistic tax reductions. He said -it was "unfortunate that we do not have the cooperation of the Democratic administration in reducing expenditures.

The administration submitted proposed budget for 1948 of $37- 500,000,000, an increase of over 1 that submitted a year ago." Reece said his party "will keep its commitment to enact comprehensive and adequate labor legislation, which will restore free collective bargaining and will protect free speech and the right work." Marshall (Continued From Page One) Bliss Lane "will be returning in the near future" to report. Argentina--The tough insistence that Argentina rid itself of Nazi influences and refugees, as stated by Byrnes a year ago remains in effect, Marshall announced. State Department Marshall disclosed he had rejected the resignations of Assistant Secretaries Benton, Spruille Braden Willard Thorp and those offered by top officials. "Pacitic Islands- The United States sees no reason to postpone creating a United Nations trusteeunder American administration. China-The withdrawal of.

Marines from China was automatic after it was decided to end mediation. efforts. Palestine -Marshall said he hopes the very delicate and criti'cal discussions going on in London will result in a peaceful set- Children To Leave For Shriners' Hospital Major Cy H. Lyle, representing the Shriners crippled children's division, will accompany approximately 10 children Monday to the hospital in Greenville, S. for observation and treatment.

of the a group a 12-year-old girl, a former resident of Washington county, but now a resident of Detroit, has arrived to go with the children for her final check-up. YOUR ROMANCE moon and a SPARKLING DIAMOND NELSON'S JEWELRY STORE 305 S. Roan Johnson City FOR SALE Several Step-in Drive Retail Milk Trucks Contact J. W. Woodruff Nashville, Pure Milk Nashville, Tenn.

Deaths A. D. CROYLE Aaron D. Croyle, 85, died at his home near Telford, at 5 a. m.

yesterday morning. He survived by his wife, Mrs. Sally Miller Croyle, one daughter, Mrs. Maggie Murr of Jonesboro; four grandchildren, Mrs. Robert Sauls, Telford, Helen Jonesboro, Robert Murr, Westport, and Earl Murr.

of City, and ten great grandchildren, Funeral will be held at service. the McCarty Church, Sunday afternoon at The Rev. W. L. Gates be in charge.

Dillow Taylor Funeral Home in charge. SAMUEL H. NEWELL ERWIN, Feb. 7-Funeral serwho died morning at the vices for Samuel. H.

Newell, 51, home his mother, Mrs. F. Summerow, Love street, will be held at the of the BoydDeArmond Funeral Home at 3 p.m. Sunday with the Rev. Carl S.

Miller, pastor of the Erwin Presbyterian Church, in charge, assisted by, the Rev. L. C. Sanders, pastor of Centenary Methodist Church. Burial will be in Evergreen in Cemetery, The body will remain at the Funeral Home chapel.

Mr. Newell had been in ill health for four years, but only seriously ill the past six months. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge. Survivors are. the wife, Mrs.

Samuel H. -Newell of Tuscon, a son, Sam Newell of Johnson City; one daughter, Mrs. William Myers of. Chicago; and his mother. GEORGE C.

TAYLOR ELIZABETHTON, Feb. 7-Funeral services for George C. Taylor, 73, who died at his home today at 9 a.m, near Milligan College after a lingering illness, will be held Saturday at 2:30 p.m. at the Hopwood Memorial Church at Milligan College with the Rev. Joe Worley and Rev.

Virgil Elliott officiating. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Carrie Taylor of Milligan, one brother, Frank A. Taylor, of Elizabethton. Burial will be in the Milligan cemetery.

The body will be taken to the home Saturday morning -at- 9 o'clock, then removed to the church at 1 p.m. Roy Hathaway Funeral Home is in charge. Court Decides (Continued From Page One) announced immediately the decision would be appealed to the State Supreme Court. A superior court in Georgia corresponds to a federal district court. Judge Porter's action at Rome in north Georgia came as a surprise while principal interest was concentrated on the little court McDonough, 40 miles south of Atlanta, where Superior Judge Walter Hendrix was hearing a plea by Thompson for the courts to bar Talmadge from office.

Thompson, who was attending the McDonough hearing, was jubilant over Judge Porter's decision. Talmadge Taken By Surprise Talmadge, in a statement from the executive office here, said he was surprised at the Rome decision since a hearing on the case originally had been scheduled for February 12. The Legislature elected him governor January 15. 4T don't know how the hearing date was advanced to February 7 unless it was moved up by agreement of both parties to the Talmadge said. "I was not a party to the suit in any way and was not notified that the hearing would be held today.

I was not represented by counsel in any Judge Porter said in his written order that the Legislature's sole power under the constitution was to name the late Eugene Talmadge, Herman's father, the winner of the general election. The elder Talmadge having died between the general election and the meeting of. the Legislature, the said. "therefore Ellis Armall continued in office as coverM. E.

Thompson traving been elect ed and so declared by the General Assembly and having qualified as lieutenant governor of the state of Georgia, upon said resignation becoming effective became acting governor of Georgia." Lincoln Day (Continued From Page One) Fascist attacks upon the private property system." "Lincoln," he said, "would have been quick to: sense the real purpose back of all these recent attempts to inspire class hatred and to weaken our tried and proven economic system. "He would have realized that even though many of those engaged in such activities were unwitting tools, the real purpose has been to weaken our governmental structure and our institutions, thereby setting the stage for' the eventful establishment of another system alien to our traditions and completely repugnant to every instinct of the American people. Stassen (Continued From Page One) to non-union men for permission to work. 4. Create the "Office of Federal Labor Conciliator" outside the Labor Department.

5. Require the following steps before any strike or lockout can occur: (a) after at least 10 days of negotiating, a notice of a dispute may be filed; (b) if so, the Office of Federal Labor Conciliator calls the parties together for further efforts; (c) these efforts must last at least 30 days; (d) the final offer of. management must be presented to the workers for a secret ballot vote, and no strike can take place unless a majority of all the employees vote for it; (e) the union holds the election, but the government and the employer can have observers at the polls and at the counting. Burley Sales End Tuesday Sales on the Johnson City tor bacco market will continue through Tuesday, 'February 11, but will after date, Sales Supervisor Walter Lee Morris, announced last night. The price really dropped on the local burley tobacco market yesterday due to the sorry tobacco, when.

163,518 pounds were sold for $57,069.86, an average of $34.90 per weight. week's average for 986,476 pounds was auctioned for 009.78. Sales for the season to date averaged $41.08 for 156 pounds which sold for 531.59. Othef markets reporting: Market Pounds Money Arg. Knoxville .440,000 $164,715.89 $37.43 Carthage 49,514.10 32,25 Palestine (Continued From Page One) permitted into their area, and Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin, who feared an Arab "holy war" against the British if unrestricted immigration were permitted.

The American-British committee of inquiry into Palestine recommended more than 10 months ago that 100,000 European Jews, victims of Nazi aggression, be admitted at once to Palestine. Bevin rejected the recommendation last June, saying it would be necessary to put another division of troops into Palestine if immigration bars were dropped. At the same time private attorneys here announced steps for an appeal for Dov Bela Gruner, convicted Palestine underground youth, a step which might have the effect of staying one element in an explosive situation. Palestine reports had said unless an appeal were made Gruner might be executed Tuesday. The Arabs have been steadfast in their opposition to any additional immigration of Jews into the Holy Land, and the informants predicted that the talks between the British and Arabs would end immediately if the cabinet adopts plan embracing admission of 100,000 Jewish immigrants.

Legislature (Continued From Page One) employment would be limited to three hours on a school day and 18 hours per school week. Children under 18 could not be hired in a "dangerous in a. quarry, as a railroad yardmen, in an explosives plant, as the driver. of a vehicle, or in a poolroom. Both the' Senate and House acted today on administration bills and received several additional pieces of proposed Rep.

H. N. legislation. Williams (D- Dickson county) introduced bill to 'set IF PRETTY GIRLS WOULD ONLY TELL! Many would say, "My secret' is DAILY complexion care with fragrant, mildly medi-0 cated Soap and Ointment." Used by thousands of lovely women for 65 years. Buy Cuticura at your druggist's today? FOR Sandwiches Steaks Oysters Short Orders Eat At Kristal Grill 213 Buffalo St.

Across from Union Terminal MARTIN'S BEAUTY SHOP The Home of Permanent Waving "We Use Only The Best Beauty Supplies" Phone 598 111 Spring St. DR. G. A. STINE DR.

A. T. THOMSON CHIROPRACTORS Phetteplace Bldg. 719 Maple St. Erwin, Tenn.

Johnson City Phone: 543 Phone 160 Scientific 1 Eye Examination Phone Offices 229 230 Arcade Bldg. Glasses Supplied When Needed Dr. D. N. Kellum OPTOMETRIST THE JOHNSON CITY PRESS-CHRONICLE Elizabethion Bureau Office Coca-Cola Building Cor.

East Elm Streets Next to Methodist Church PHONE 1011 for NEWS ADVERTISING CIRCULATION up a legislative council of 12 Sen-1 ate and House members to study proposed legislation and state. governmental administration. paid research specialist would be engaged to aid it. Representative Walter White (R-Dayton) and others -duced a bill to place a floor of $30 per month on old age welfare payments te clients between 65 and 70 and for those over 70. 'Representative E.

A. Bird (D- Marion county) introduced a bill to allow county courts to issue bonds for school -buildings up- to seven per cent of the assessed valuation of a county without an encabling act. The present provision is three per cent. KING'S first, the as always, with NEW" It's your favorite "Eve Carver" in Spring's "Sheer Top" luxury rayon The flag. of the United States has seven red and six white stripes.

Mrs. A. -J. Bruno's Can- Double was unbeaten in his five 1946 starts. Page In tune with Spring is the newest Eve Carver dress, your constant companion.

And it's simply perfect! Equally charming for work or play, its tailored details make it your choice wherever you go. Luggage Teal Blue Pink 1098 Glengarry "Valentiners" for your Valentine Vogue-shown the most exciting young sweaters in years Shadow Tones tine the new short sleeved soft Tell her with a Glengarry valen- 95 in Mary Grey jacquard-knit virgin wool sweaters NYLONS in delicate pastels. And their names (after their enwoven designs) are simply terrific. and Drum 51 Campus Cupid, Music Gal, Saucy Spider gauge Sizes 34 to 40. 20 denier Majorette.

King's 1st floor 195 Perky Plastic Aprons bright new gifts for GREY MIST a new your Valentine Shadow Tone com- and plement black gray, 49 GREY SILVER new Shadow Tone for leg flattery. with pastels. For gifts and for choose from our array Give your Spring's of gay new plastic aprons: Clean-easy most fashion sheer sheer hosiery convenience flattering note in hosiery for kitchen and look-lovely luxury for tea-time. Bib of a misty tone that holds trace of the color of her COSstyles in pastels. piped with contrasting coated tume.

fabrics Good BUYS for Saturday Bath Towels $1 to Worth Your cue to stock up with longneeded towels. Sturdy, hard-wearing, true Cannons with a wonderfully absorbent quality. 20-x 40 and extra large 22 44 sizes in white with colored borders. Pillow Cases Fine 128, count government standard white muslin pillow, cases. Famous Pacific Truth quality with fine smooth finish.

Large 45, 36 size. King's 1st floor Sculptured with an eye to petal -smooth beauty, this basic slip of soft rayon crepe byTEXTRON, Lingerie 250 Practically yours and a be a tiful complement to new figure-fit fashions. Thoughtfully tailored by Textron to give with your every movement. In pink, white or hard-to-find black. Sizes 32 to 44.

King's 2nd floor.

Johnson City Press from Johnson City, Tennessee (2024)


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.