Chocolate-Covered Cherry Mice Recipe - (2024)


Submitted by Nana Lee

"These chocolate-covered cherry mice are fun to create and make an adorable presentation for parties, bake sales, and of course, Halloween. Let the kids help by setting up a production line, and they will have a ball. These candy mice are almost too cute to eat. Check out the step-by-step instructions with photos before you begin. Here's the link: recipe calls for chocolate chips but I find they are very small."


Chocolate-Covered Cherry Mice Recipe - (2) Chocolate-Covered Cherry Mice Recipe - (3)

photo by KK7707 Chocolate-Covered Cherry Mice Recipe - (4)

Ready In:





  • 1 (12 ounce) jar maraschino cherries, with stems drained and dried (see Notes)
  • 6 ounces semisweet chocolate
  • 12 teaspoon butter
  • 1 ounce paraffin wax, chopped (see Notes)
  • 12 cup chocolate chips (see Notes)
  • 12 cup sliced almonds
  • 1 (3 ounce) package clear red decorating gel



  • Before starting, you may wish to take a look at the step-by-step instructions with photos. SEE LINK IN DESCRIPTION ABOVE.
  • Line a cookie sheet with waxed or parchment paper.
  • Rinse the maraschino cherries, drain thoroughly, and let dry on paper towels, turning often.
  • The cherries must be completely dry or the chocolate will seize and get crumbly.
  • Gently melt chocolate, butter, and paraffin in a double boiler until smooth, stirring often to prevent burning.
  • Once melted, turn off heat, but leave in the double-boiler on the burner.
  • Dip dry cherries in melted chocolate to completely cover up to the stem.
  • Place on lined cookie sheet.
  • Immediately press on chocolate chip, flat side to the front of the dipped cherry, to form a head.
  • While chocolate is still warm, wedge two sliced almonds between chocolate chip and cherry to form ears. Let cool.
  • Use a toothpick to dab beady red eyes on either side of the chocolate chip with the red gel icing.
  • Refrigerate to firmly set chocolate.
  • Notes:

  • If fresh sweet cherries are in season, by all means use them.
  • Paraffin is sold in the canning supplies section, usually under the brand Gulf Wax.
  • You can use the giant chocolate bars for the semisweet chocolate, or semisweet baking squares, or chocolate chips.
  • If your cherries are exceptionally large, you may wish to use chocolate kisses for the heads.



  1. Loved these. The chocolate was a little thicker than I planned, so I used it to create a more fur-like texture on the mice. Very cool recipe!


  2. make these every year, always a hit as a gift in a cute box---we use small candy white balls (from cake decor store) for the eyes and dot them with choc from a toothpick, every one has a personality! very good to eat too....just pick up the tail and bite the rest!


  3. These are delightful. For anyone who does not like cherries, I used Malted Milk balls for the body and a piece of shredded coconut to make the tail. I also use Oreo cookies opened up as a base for them. Easier for those little hands to hold on to.


  4. These are great. Made them for a dinner party on Sunday, they were a hit. they were fun and easy to do. I used hershey kisses instead of chocolate chips.




Nana Lee


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<p>Click to feed animals I'm a retired teacher now living in&nbsp;the Jamaica Plain area of Boston. I have one daughter, 2 granddaughters, and 1 great-grandson(17 yo Dec '11)! I've travelled a bit throughout Europe and the U.S. as well as Honduras and Costa Rica. I think I may have some gypsy ancestors! I love to travel but am not able to anymore. So I do a LOT of reading instead. My current craft passion is knittng but I have dabbled in just about everything. I've done leaded glass work(stained glass), which I love; am working on counted cross stitch; and am willing to try any craft, at least once! I've also worked for a major insurance company as a case analyst. I have 2 cats, Teddy BB 11 .o. on the 19th of Feb, and CiCi who will be 5 years old on Mar 6th. src=;</p>

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Chocolate-Covered Cherry Mice Recipe  - (2024)


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